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Section 15904.01. - 15904.01. A person becomes a general partner: (a) as provided...
Section 15904.02. - 15904.02. (a) Each general partner is an agent of the...
Section 15904.03. - 15904.03. (a) A limited partnership is liable for loss or...
Section 15904.04. - 15904.04. (a) Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (b), all...
Section 15904.05. - 15904.05. (a) To the extent not inconsistent with Section 15904.04,...
Section 15904.06. - 15904.06. (a) Each general partner has equal rights in the...
Section 15904.07. - 15904.07. (a) A general partner, without having any particular purpose...
Section 15904.08. - 15904.08. (a) The fiduciary duties that a general partner owes...
Section 15904.09. - 15904.09. (a) A partnership agreement may provide for the creation...