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Section 78640. - 78640. Unless the context otherwise requires, the following definitions govern...
Section 78641. - 78641. There is hereby created in the account the Drainage...
Section 78642. - 78642. (a) Notwithstanding Section 13340 of the Government Code, the...
Section 78643. - 78643. (a) The board may loan an agency up to...
Section 78644. - 78644. The board may, by contract or otherwise, undertake plans,...
Section 78645. - 78645. (a) Any unallocated money remaining in the Agricultural Drainage...
Section 78645.5. - 78645.5. Not more than 3 percent of the total amount...
Section 78645.7. - 78645.7. Not more than 3 percent of the total amount...