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Section 35470. - 35470. Any district formed on or after July 30, 1917,...
Section 35470.1. - 35470.1. If the procedures set forth in this article as...
Section 35470.5. - 35470.5. The district may, by resolution, provide that a penalty...
Section 35471. - 35471. Any funds derived pursuant to Section 35470 in excess...
Section 35472. - 35472. For the purpose of providing funds to pay revenue...
Section 35473. - 35473. The charges to pay revenue bonds and interest thereon...
Section 35474. - 35474. The charges to pay revenue bonds and interest thereon...
Section 35475. - 35475. The charges to pay revenue bonds and interest thereon...
Section 35476. - 35476. The charges to pay revenue bonds and interest thereon...
Section 35477. - 35477. The collection of charges to pay revenue bonds and...
Section 35478. - 35478. All revenue bond redemption and interest charges are a...
Section 35479. - 35479. The district may elect, if it is using the...
Section 35480. - 35480. The county assessor and county auditor shall thereafter add...
Section 35481. - 35481. The county tax collector and treasurer shall thereupon collect,...
Section 35482. - 35482. No district furnishing water for residential use to a...