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Section 3640. - 3640. (a) A naturopathic doctor may order and perform physical...
Section 3640.1. - 3640.1. (a) A naturopathic doctor may provide supervision and direction...
Section 3640.2. - 3640.2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a naturopathic assistant...
Section 3640.3. - 3640.3. (a) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as...
Section 3640.5. - 3640.5. Nothing in this chapter or any other provision of...
Section 3640.7. - 3640.7. Notwithstanding the requirements of Section 3640.5 or any other...
Section 3640.8. - 3640.8. (a) To qualify to administer intravenous (IV) therapy in...
Section 3641. - 3641. (a) A naturopathic doctor shall document his or her...
Section 3642. - 3642. A naturopathic doctor may not perform any of the...
Section 3643. - 3643. This chapter may not be construed to authorize a...
Section 3643.5. - 3643.5. (a) This chapter may not be construed to limit...
Section 3644. - 3644. This chapter does not prevent or restrict the practice,...
Section 3645. - 3645. (a) This chapter permits, and does not restrict, the...