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Section 20150. - 20150. The provisions of this article shall apply to contracts...
Section 20150.1. - 20150.1. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, except as provided in...
Section 20150.2. - 20150.2. As used in this article, “public project” means: (a)...
Section 20150.3. - 20150.3. Expenditures for public projects shall not include the costs...
Section 20150.4. - 20150.4. Public projects between four thousand dollars ($4,000) and ten...
Section 20150.5. - 20150.5. Each county shall adopt ordinances or regulations providing for...
Section 20150.6. - 20150.6. Ordinances or regulations establishing informal bidding procedures shall provide...
Section 20150.7. - 20150.7. The notice inviting informal bids shall be by published...
Section 20150.8. - 20150.8. The notices inviting formal bids shall state the time...
Section 20150.9. - 20150.9. In its discretion, the county may reject any bids...
Section 20150.10. - 20150.10. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 20150.9, on any project...
Section 20150.11. - 20150.11. It shall be unlawful to split or separate into...
Section 20150.12. - 20150.12. The board of supervisors of the county shall adopt...
Section 20150.13. - 20150.13. All bidders on public projects which exceed ten thousand...
Section 20150.14. - 20150.14. The provisions of this article shall not apply to...