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Section 22030. - 22030. (a) This article applies only to a public agency...
Section 22031. - 22031. (a) Prior to January 1, 2013, this article shall...
Section 22032. - 22032. (a) Public projects of sixty thousand dollars ($60,000) or...
Section 22033. - 22033. It shall be unlawful to split or separate into...
Section 22034. - 22034. Each public agency that elects to become subject to...
Section 22035. - 22035. (a) In cases of emergency when repair or replacements...
Section 22035.5. - 22035.5. In counties that are under court order to relieve...
Section 22036. - 22036. The commission shall determine, on a county-by-county basis, the...
Section 22037. - 22037. Notice inviting formal bids shall state the time and...
Section 22038. - 22038. (a) In its discretion, the public agency may reject...
Section 22039. - 22039. The governing body of the participating public agency or...
Section 22040. - 22040. Any person may examine the plans, specifications, or working...
Section 22041. - 22041. This article does not apply to the construction of...
Section 22042. - 22042. The commission shall review the accounting procedures of any...
Section 22042.5. - 22042.5. The commission shall review practices of any participating public...
Section 22043. - 22043. (a) In those circumstances set forth in subdivision (a)...
Section 22044. - 22044. The commission shall prepare written findings, which shall be...
Section 22044.5. - 22044.5. If the commission makes a finding, in accordance with...
Section 22045. - 22045. (a) No later than January 1, 1985, the commission...