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Section 21450. - 21450. Whenever traffic is controlled by official traffic control signals...
Section 21450.5. - 21450.5. (a) A traffic-actuated signal is an official traffic control...
Section 21451. - 21451. (a) A driver facing a circular green signal shall...
Section 21452. - 21452. (a) A driver facing a steady circular yellow or...
Section 21453. - 21453. (a) A driver facing a steady circular red signal...
Section 21454. - 21454. When lane use control signals are placed over individual...
Section 21455. - 21455. If an official traffic control signal is erected and...
Section 21455.5. - 21455.5. (a) The limit line, the intersection, or a place...
Section 21455.6. - 21455.6. (a) A city council or county board of supervisors...
Section 21455.7. - 21455.7. (a) At an intersection at which there is an...
Section 21456. - 21456. (a) If a pedestrian control signal showing the words...
Section 21456.1. - 21456.1. Whenever an official traffic control signal exhibiting an approved...
Section 21456.2. - 21456.2. (a) Unless otherwise directed by a bicycle signal as...
Section 21456.3. - 21456.3. (a) An operator of a bicycle facing a green...
Section 21457. - 21457. Whenever an illuminated flashing red or yellow light is...
Section 21458. - 21458. (a) Whenever local authorities enact local parking regulations and...
Section 21459. - 21459. (a) The Department of Transportation in respect to state...
Section 21460. - 21460. (a) If double parallel solid yellow lines are in...
Section 21460.5. - 21460.5. (a) The Department of Transportation and local authorities in...
Section 21461. - 21461. (a) It is unlawful for a driver of a...
Section 21461.5. - 21461.5. (a) It shall be unlawful for any pedestrian to...
Section 21462. - 21462. (a) The driver of a vehicle, the person in...
Section 21463. - 21463. No person shall operate a manually or traffic actuated...
Section 21464. - 21464. (a) A person, without lawful authority, may not deface,...
Section 21465. - 21465. No person shall place, maintain, or display upon, or...
Section 21466. - 21466. No person shall place or maintain or display upon...
Section 21466.5. - 21466.5. No person shall place or maintain or display, upon...
Section 21467. - 21467. Every prohibited sign, signal, device, or light is a...
Section 21468. - 21468. This division does not modify or limit the authority...