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Section 25840. - 25840. The board of supervisors may prohibit and prevent the...
Section 25842. - 25842. The board of supervisors may provide for the control...
Section 25842.5. - 25842.5. (a) The board of supervisors may provide the same...
Section 25843. - 25843. The board of supervisors may establish safety incentive programs...
Section 25844. - 25844. The board of supervisors of any county may appropriate...
Section 25845. - 25845. (a) The board of supervisors, by ordinance, may establish...
Section 25845.5. - 25845.5. The board of supervisors, by ordinance, may provide that...
Section 25846. - 25846. Subject to the provisions contained in Article 6.5 (commencing...