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Section 6340. - 6340. Each board of law library trustees shall establish and...
Section 6341. - 6341. Any board of law library trustees may establish and...
Section 6342. - 6342. A board of law library trustees may order the...
Section 6343. - 6343. A board may make and enforce all rules, regulations,...
Section 6344. - 6344. A board may purchase books, journals, other publications, and...
Section 6345. - 6345. A board may appoint a law librarian and define...
Section 6346. - 6346. A board shall fix the salaries of the law...
Section 6346.5. - 6346.5. A board of law library trustees may contract with...
Section 6346.6. - 6346.6. As an alternative to Section 6346.5, a board of...
Section 6347. - 6347. A board may contract with any other law library...
Section 6348. - 6348. A board may expend surplus funds under its control,...
Section 6348.1. - 6348.1. An appropriation to obtain quarters for the law library...
Section 6348.2. - 6348.2. When a board of law library trustees in any...
Section 6348.3. - 6348.3. A library building erected to house the law library...
Section 6348.4. - 6348.4. Real property acquired by a board may be sold,...
Section 6348.5. - 6348.5. A board of law library trustees may invest surplus...
Section 6348.6. - 6348.6. A board of law library trustees may contract with...
Section 6348.7. - 6348.7. A board of law library trustees may enter into...
Section 6349. - 6349. Each board of law library trustees, on or before...
Section 6350. - 6350. A financial report, showing all receipts and disbursements of...