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Section 66475. - 66475. There may be imposed by local ordinance a requirement...
Section 66475.1. - 66475.1. Whenever a subdivider is required pursuant to Section 66475...
Section 66475.2. - 66475.2. (a) There may be imposed by local ordinance a...
Section 66475.3. - 66475.3. For divisions of land for which a tentative map...
Section 66476. - 66476. There may be imposed by local ordinance a requirement...
Section 66477. - 66477. (a) The legislative body of a city or county...
Section 66477.1. - 66477.1. (a) At the time the legislative body or the...
Section 66477.2. - 66477.2. (a) If at the time the final map is...
Section 66477.3. - 66477.3. Acceptance of offers of dedication on a final map...
Section 66477.5. - 66477.5. (a) The local agency to which property is dedicated...
Section 66478. - 66478. Whether by request of a county board of education...