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Section 79120. - 79120. Unless the context otherwise requires, the following definitions govern...
Section 79121. - 79121. There is hereby created in the account all of...
Section 79122. - 79122. The following amounts are hereby transferred from the account...
Section 79122.2. - 79122.2. The sum of thirty-five million five hundred thousand dollars...
Section 79122.4. - 79122.4. The board may transfer unallocated funds from the State...
Section 79123. - 79123. The board may adopt regulations to carry out this...
Section 79124. - 79124. The board may, by contract or otherwise, undertake plans,...
Section 79125. - 79125. Not more than 3 percent of the total amount...
Section 79126. - 79126. Not more than 2 percent of the total amount...
Section 79127. - 79127. For the purposes of implementing subdivision (a) of Section...
Section 79128. - 79128. (a) For purposes of subdivision (b) of Section 79122,...
Section 79128.5. - 79128.5. For the purposes of Section 79122.2, the board may...
Section 79129. - 79129. Any contract entered into pursuant to this article for...
Section 79130. - 79130. All contracts entered into pursuant to this article for...
Section 79131. - 79131. Any loan made pursuant to Section 79127 shall meet...
Section 79132. - 79132. All principal and interest payments received pursuant to loan...
Section 79133. - 79133. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, of...