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Section 11275. - 11275. (a) Only verification of information necessary to determine past...
Section 11275.05. - 11275.05. (a) Whenever a former recipient of aid applies for...
Section 11275.10. - 11275.10. (a) When an applicant or recipient establishes that he...
Section 11275.15. - 11275.15. No application for aid may be denied for failure...
Section 11275.20. - 11275.20. (a) If an applicant is denied assistance solely due...
Section 11275.25. - 11275.25. If any provision of this article is in conflict...
Section 11275.30. - 11275.30. (a) In the event of an initial determination by...
Section 11275.35. - 11275.35. (a) If the determination that all or any provision...
Section 11275.40. - 11275.40. This article applies to all applicants for, and recipients...
Section 11275.45. - 11275.45. (a) This article shall be applied prospectively only, and...
Section 11275.50. - 11275.50. The State Department of Social Services shall consult with...