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Section 20355. - 20355. The provisions of this article shall apply to contracts...
Section 20355.1. - 20355.1. The purchase of all supplies, equipment, and materials when...
Section 20355.2. - 20355.2. If after rejecting bids the district determines that the...
Section 20355.3. - 20355.3. In case of an emergency, the board may, by...
Section 20355.4. - 20355.4. (a) Upon determining that immediate remedial measures are necessary...
Section 20355.5. - 20355.5. All bids for construction work shall be presented under...
Section 20355.6. - 20355.6. Notwithstanding Section 20355.1, and upon a finding by two-thirds...
Section 20355.7. - 20355.7. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the governing...