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Section 4360. - 4360. The board shall operate a pharmacists recovery program to...
Section 4361. - 4361. (a) “Participant” means a pharmacist or intern pharmacist who...
Section 4362. - 4362. (a) A pharmacist or intern pharmacist may enter the...
Section 4364. - 4364. (a) The board shall establish criteria for the participation...
Section 4365. - 4365. The board shall contract with one or more qualified...
Section 4366. - 4366. The functions of the contractor administering the pharmacists recovery...
Section 4369. - 4369. (a) Any failure to comply with the treatment contract,...
Section 4371. - 4371. (a) The executive officer of the board shall designate...
Section 4372. - 4372. All board records and records of the pharmacists recovery...
Section 4373. - 4373. No member of the board shall be liable for...