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Section 22850. - 22850. Whenever an officer or employee removes a vehicle from...
Section 22850.3. - 22850.3. (a) A vehicle placed in storage pursuant to Section...
Section 22850.5. - 22850.5. (a) A city, county, or city and county, or...
Section 22851. - 22851. (a) (1) Whenever a vehicle has been removed to...
Section 22851.1. - 22851.1. (a) If the vehicle is impounded pursuant to subdivision...
Section 22851.2. - 22851.2. (a) Excepting a vehicle removed pursuant to Section 22669,...
Section 22851.3. - 22851.3. Whenever a peace officer, as defined in Chapter 4.5...
Section 22851.4. - 22851.4. If the vehicle is determined to have a value...
Section 22851.6. - 22851.6. (a) Lienholders who acquire a vehicle subject to Section...
Section 22851.8. - 22851.8. (a) The lienholder shall, within 15 working days following...
Section 22851.10. - 22851.10. (a) A vehicle determined to have a value not...
Section 22851.12. - 22851.12. The lienholder may charge a fee for lien-sale preparations...
Section 22852. - 22852. (a) Whenever an authorized member of a public agency...
Section 22852.5. - 22852.5. (a) Whenever the possessory lien upon any vehicle is...
Section 22853. - 22853. (a) Whenever an officer or an employee removing a...
Section 22854. - 22854. The Department of Justice upon receiving notice under Section...
Section 22854.5. - 22854.5. Whenever an officer or employee of a public agency...
Section 22855. - 22855. The following persons shall have the authority to make...
Section 22856. - 22856. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no cause of...