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Section 10702. - 10702. All carriers writing, issuing, or administering health benefit plans...
Section 10702.1. - 10702.1. Any person or entity subject to the requirements of...
Section 10703. - 10703. The commissioner shall have the authority to determine whether...
Section 10704. - 10704. The commissioner may issue regulations that are necessary to...
Section 10705. - 10705. Upon the effective date of this act: (a) No...
Section 10705.1. - 10705.1. (a) Between July 26, 1993, and October 24, 1993,...
Section 10706. - 10706. Every carrier shall file with the commissioner the reasonable...
Section 10706.5. - 10706.5. (a) After a small employer submits a completed application,...
Section 10707. - 10707. Except in the case of a late enrollee, or...
Section 10708. - 10708. (a) (1) Preexisting condition provisions of health benefit plans...
Section 10709. - 10709. (a) No health benefit plan may exclude late enrollees...
Section 10711. - 10711. No carrier shall be required by the provisions of...
Section 10712. - 10712. (a) A carrier shall not be required to offer...
Section 10713. - 10713. All health benefit plans written, issued, or administered by...
Section 10714. - 10714. Premiums for benefit plan designs written, issued, or administered...
Section 10715. - 10715. Carriers shall apply standard employee risk rates consistently with...
Section 10716. - 10716. In connection with the offering for sale of any...
Section 10717. - 10717. (a) No carrier shall provide or renew coverage subject...
Section 10718. - 10718. (a) In addition to any other remedy permitted by...
Section 10718.5. - 10718.5. (a) (1) In addition to any other remedy permitted...
Section 10718.55. - 10718.55. (a) Carriers may enter into contractual agreements with qualified...
Section 10718.7. - 10718.7. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no provision of...