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Section 6826. - 6826. (a) The commission may permit geological or geophysical surveys...
Section 6826.1. - 6826.1. The State Lands Commission shall not permit the taking...
Section 6827. - 6827. Leases for the extraction and removal of oil and...
Section 6827.1. - 6827.1. Nothing contained in this chapter or any other law...
Section 6827.2. - 6827.2. In order to prevent the premature abandonment of a...
Section 6827.5. - 6827.5. (a) Notwithstanding Article 3 (commencing with Section 6851), Article...
Section 6828. - 6828. All leases of lands containing oil or gas made...
Section 6829. - 6829. Every oil and gas lease executed under this chapter,...
Section 6829.1. - 6829.1. Every oil and gas lease, including leases of tide...
Section 6829.2. - 6829.2. The commission, in the interest of increasing the ultimate...
Section 6829.3. - 6829.3. (a) The commission shall seek additional infrastructure bonding or...
Section 6829.4. - 6829.4. (a) For purposes of this section, the following terms...
Section 6830. - 6830. All oil and gas leases issued by the commission...
Section 6830.1. - 6830.1. It is hereby found and determined by the Legislature...
Section 6830.2. - 6830.2. Whenever the holder of an oil and gas lease...
Section 6830.3. - 6830.3. In satisfaction of the requirements of subdivisions (a) and...
Section 6831. - 6831. Rights of way through all State lands may be...
Section 6832. - 6832. For the purpose of more properly conserving the natural...
Section 6833. - 6833. The commission, upon such conditions as the commission shall...
Section 6834. - 6834. Whenever the commission determines that lands shall be leased...
Section 6835. - 6835. Each bid (which shall be in the form of...
Section 6836. - 6836. At the time and place specified in the notice,...