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Section 10120. - 10120. Before entering into any contract for a project, the...
Section 10121. - 10121. The original draft or a certified copy of the...
Section 10122. - 10122. Work on all projects shall be done under contract...
Section 10122.5. - 10122.5. For the purposes of Section 10122, all day labor...
Section 10122.6. - 10122.6. Notwithstanding the project cost limit provided in Section 10105,...
Section 10123. - 10123. Contracts upon informal bids authorized under Section 10122 shall...
Section 10124. - 10124. Bids may be received and contracts awarded on a...
Section 10125. - 10125. Except in unit basis contracts, contracts shall not be...
Section 10126. - 10126. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 10125, the estimate of...
Section 10127. - 10127. The department may, with the approval of the State...
Section 10128. - 10128. All contracts awarded under this part shall comply with...
Section 10129. - 10129. (a) Notwithstanding Section 3400, no agency of the state...