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Section 91520. - 91520. (a) There is in each public agency a public,...
Section 91521. - 91521. (a) The sole purpose of an authority is to...
Section 91522. - 91522. (a) All powers vested in authorities shall be exercisable...
Section 91523. - 91523. As an alternate to the appointment of directors pursuant...
Section 91524. - 91524. (a) The principal office of an authority shall be...
Section 91525. - 91525. (a) An authority may appoint such employees and agents,...
Section 91525.5. - 91525.5. A member of the board or other officer of...
Section 91526. - 91526. An authority may: (a) Sue and be sued in...
Section 91527. - 91527. Authorities shall have all powers necessary or appropriate for...
Section 91528. - 91528. An authority shall not have the power to operate...
Section 91529. - 91529. Companies may apply for financing pursuant to this article...
Section 91530. - 91530. (a) Applications for projects or companies not in accordance...
Section 91533. - 91533. Authorities shall undertake projects by entry into project agreements...
Section 91534. - 91534. No company shall, by reason of any project agreement,...
Section 91535. - 91535. (a) All bonds issued by an authority in connection...
Section 91536. - 91536. In the discretion of an authority, any bonds issued...
Section 91537. - 91537. The issuance of bonds shall be authorized by resolution...
Section 91537.5. - 91537.5. The bonds may bear interest on the amount or...
Section 91538. - 91538. Bonds may be sold at the prices that the...
Section 91539. - 91539. Notwithstanding any other provision of law: (a) Authorities and...
Section 91540. - 91540. (a) All property, revenues, and funds, owned or possessed...
Section 91541. - 91541. (a) None of the bonds of an authority or...
Section 91542. - 91542. At such time as all obligations under the project...
Section 91543. - 91543. All general or special laws or parts thereof inconsistent...
Section 91544. - 91544. (a) Whenever the governing body, by ordinance, shall declare...
Section 91545. - 91545. Any action pursuant to Section 91544 shall have no...
Section 91546. - 91546. This title, being necessary for the welfare of the...
Section 91547. - 91547. The State of California does hereby pledge to and...
Section 91548. - 91548. An action may be brought pursuant to Chapter 9...
Section 91549. - 91549. (a) Except as may be authorized by other state...