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Section 27150. - 27150. (a) Every motor vehicle equipped with an internal combustion...
Section 27150.1. - 27150.1. No person engaged in a business that involves the...
Section 27150.2. - 27150.2. (a) Stations providing referee functions pursuant to Section 44036...
Section 27150.3. - 27150.3. (a) A person may not modify the exhaust system...
Section 27150.4. - 27150.4. (a) The Department of the California Highway Patrol shall...
Section 27150.5. - 27150.5. Any person holding a retail seller’s permit who sells...
Section 27150.7. - 27150.7. A court may dismiss any action in which a...
Section 27151. - 27151. (a) A person shall not modify the exhaust system...
Section 27151.1. - 27151.1. (a) For a violation of Section 27150.3 or 27151...
Section 27152. - 27152. The exhaust gases from a motor vehicle shall not...
Section 27153. - 27153. (a) A motor vehicle shall not be operated in...
Section 27153.5. - 27153.5. (a) No motor vehicle first sold or registered as...
Section 27154. - 27154. The cab of any motor vehicle shall be reasonably...
Section 27154.1. - 27154.1. (a) The flooring in all motor vehicles shall be...
Section 27155. - 27155. No motor vehicle shall be operated or parked upon...
Section 27156. - 27156. (a) No person shall operate or leave standing upon...
Section 27156.1. - 27156.1. The installation, prior to January 1, 1974, of an...
Section 27156.2. - 27156.2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any publicly owned...
Section 27156.3. - 27156.3. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any motor vehicle...
Section 27157. - 27157. The State Air Resources Board, after consultation with, and...
Section 27157.5. - 27157.5. The State Air Resources Board, after consultation with, and...
Section 27158. - 27158. After notice by a traffic officer that a vehicle...
Section 27158.1. - 27158.1. (a) Commencing one year after the effective date of...
Section 27158.2. - 27158.2. (a) The driver of a nongasoline heavy-duty onroad motor...
Section 27158.5. - 27158.5. After notice by a traffic officer that a motor...
Section 27159. - 27159. Any uniformed member of the California Highway Patrol may...