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Section 1625. - 1625. (a) A property licensee or a casualty licensee is...
Section 1625.5. - 1625.5. (a) A personal lines licensee is a person authorized...
Section 1625.55. - 1625.55. (a) A limited lines automobile insurance agent is a...
Section 1625.56. - 1625.56. “License year” for a limited lines automobile insurance agent...
Section 1625.57. - 1625.57. “License term” for a limited lines automobile insurance agent...
Section 1626. - 1626. (a) A life and accident and health or sickness...
Section 1627. - 1627. A license is a permit to act in the...
Section 1628. - 1628. As used in this chapter, an “organization” means any...
Section 1629. - 1629. “License year” as used in this chapter shall be...
Section 1630. - 1630. “License term” as used in this chapter means all...