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Section 1880. - 1880. If the court determines that there is no form...
Section 1881. - 1881. (a) A conservatee shall be deemed unable to give...
Section 1890. - 1890. (a) An order of the court under Section 1880...
Section 1891. - 1891. (a) A petition may be filed under this article...
Section 1892. - 1892. Notice of the hearing on the petition shall be...
Section 1893. - 1893. The conservatee shall be produced at the hearing except...
Section 1894. - 1894. If the petition alleges that the conservatee is not...
Section 1895. - 1895. (a) The conservatee, the spouse, the domestic partner, a...
Section 1896. - 1896. (a) If the court determines that the order requested...
Section 1897. - 1897. An order of the court under Section 1880 continues...
Section 1898. - 1898. An order of the court under Section 1880 may...