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Section 6190. - 6190. The courts of the state shall have the jurisdiction...
Section 6190.1. - 6190.1. (a) An application for assumption by the court of...
Section 6190.2. - 6190.2. The application shall be verified and shall state facts...
Section 6190.3. - 6190.3. The application shall be set for hearing. A copy...
Section 6190.34. - 6190.34. If the court finds that (a) the facts set...
Section 6190.4. - 6190.4. The provisions of Article 11 (commencing with Section 6180)...
Section 6190.5. - 6190.5. The proceeding may be maintained concurrently with a disciplinary...
Section 6190.6. - 6190.6. Upon motion duly made by any interested party, the...