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Section 12570. - 12570. The State Fire Marshal may issue any license described...
Section 12571. - 12571. A manufacturer’s license shall allow the manufacture of fireworks...
Section 12572. - 12572. A wholesaler’s license allows the sale and transportation of...
Section 12573. - 12573. An importer’s and exporter’s license shall allow fireworks to...
Section 12574. - 12574. A retail sales license allows the retail sale of...
Section 12575. - 12575. A public display (special) license allows the holding and...
Section 12576. - 12576. A public display license (general) allows the holding and...
Section 12577. - 12577. A public display license (limited) allows the performance of...
Section 12578. - 12578. The State Fire Marshal shall adopt regulations that identify...
Section 12579. - 12579. All licensees may transport the class of fireworks for...