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Section 56821. - 56821. Either the commission or the legislative body of any...
Section 56821.1. - 56821.1. If the commission adopts a resolution pursuant to subdivision...
Section 56821.3. - 56821.3. If an independent special district adopts a resolution pursuant...
Section 56821.5. - 56821.5. A certified copy of any resolution which has been...
Section 56822. - 56822. Whenever the commission, or the independent special districts, as...
Section 56822.3. - 56822.3. If a hearing is called pursuant to subdivision (b)...
Section 56822.5. - 56822.5. The hearing referred to in Section 56822.3 shall be...
Section 56823. - 56823. If the commission orders a proposal referred to a...
Section 56824. - 56824. Where a special district advisory committee consists of voting...
Section 56824.1. - 56824.1. Not later than 35 days after the filing with...
Section 56824.3. - 56824.3. The executive officer shall give notice of the hearing...
Section 56824.5. - 56824.5. The hearing shall be held by the commission at...
Section 56824.7. - 56824.7. Any resolution approving the report and recommendation of a...