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Section 25900. - 25900. The board of supervisors may join and participate in...
Section 25901. - 25901. The board of supervisors may erect and maintain permanent...
Section 25902. - 25902. If any real property which was acquired or used...
Section 25903. - 25903. With the approval of the Department of Agriculture and...
Section 25904. - 25904. (a) The board of supervisors may levy a special...
Section 25905. - 25905. The board of supervisors may contract with a nonprofit...
Section 25906. - 25906. The board of supervisors of a county may contract...
Section 25907. - 25907. The board of supervisors of any county owning or...
Section 25908. - 25908. The board of supervisors of any county owning fairgrounds...
Section 25909. - 25909. Notwithstanding any other provision of law and in accordance...