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Section 2600. - 2600. This chapter may be cited as the Physical Therapy...
Section 2601. - 2601. For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms...
Section 2602. - 2602. (a) The Physical Therapy Board of California, hereafter referred...
Section 2602.1. - 2602.1. Protection of the public shall be the highest priority...
Section 2603. - 2603. The members of the board shall consist of four...
Section 2603.5. - 2603.5. (a) The physical therapist members of the board shall...
Section 2604. - 2604. The members of the board shall be appointed for...
Section 2605. - 2605. The board shall do all of the following: (a)...
Section 2606. - 2606. Each member of the board shall receive a per...
Section 2607. - 2607. The board may employ, subject to law, such clerical...
Section 2607.5. - 2607.5. (a) The board may employ an executive officer exempt...
Section 2608. - 2608. The procedure in all matters and proceedings relating to...
Section 2608.5. - 2608.5. Each member of the board, or any licensed physical...
Section 2611. - 2611. The board shall meet at least three times each...
Section 2612. - 2612. The board shall comply with the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting...
Section 2613. - 2613. The board may appoint qualified persons to give the...
Section 2614. - 2614. The board shall hear all matters, including, but not...
Section 2615. - 2615. The board shall adopt those regulations as may be...