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Subchapter 1 - General Provisions
§ 21-12-101. Limitation of employment for preparers of certain grant applications - (a) For a period of one (1) year after leaving...
§ 21-12-102. Discharge of employee for falsifying employment application - Any person who is employed by the State of Arkansas...
§ 21-12-103. Dismissal of employee for prohibited discrimination - (a) Every state agency shall include in its personnel manual...
Subchapter 2 - Impeachments
§ 21-12-201. Definitions - In this subchapter: (1) “Articles of impeachment” means the written...
§ 21-12-202. Suspension of impeached officer - (a) When any officer shall be impeached, he or she...
§ 21-12-203. Initiation of proceedings - (a) When articles of impeachment have been approved by the...
§ 21-12-204. Attendance of witnesses - (a) The Senate shall have power of coercing the attendance...
§ 21-12-205. Depositions of witnesses - (a) The President of the Senate, on the application of...
§ 21-12-206. Trial - (a) Before the Senate proceeds to try the impeachment, the...
§ 21-12-207. Transcript of proceedings - The Secretary of the Senate shall make out a transcript...
§ 21-12-208. Decision no bar to indictment - The party convicted or acquitted shall, notwithstanding such acquittal or...
§ 21-12-209. Allocation of costs - (a) (1) If the accused is acquitted, he or she...
Subchapter 3 - Removal or Suspension of Local Officers
§ 21-12-301. Suspension upon charge of shortage of funds - (a) (1) Whenever any information or indictment shall be filed...
§ 21-12-302. Removal for conviction of certain offenses - (a) Upon conviction of any county or township officer for...
§ 21-12-303. Appointment of temporary replacement - (a) Whenever any county or township officer is suspended from...
§ 21-12-304. Public service not grounds for termination, demotion, etc - (a) The employment of an employee of any county, city,...
Subchapter 4 - Delivery of Records to Successor
§ 21-12-401. Officer to deliver official records — Penalty for noncompliance - (a) (1) If any civilian or military officer having any...
§ 21-12-402. Private person to deliver official records — Penalty for noncompliance - If any private person shall have or obtain possession of...
§ 21-12-403. Issuance of warrant to seize and deliver records - If any person whose office has become vacant, or his...
§ 21-12-404. Notice of application for warrant - If any person shall hold over or refuse to deliver...
§ 21-12-405. Power of officer executing warrant - The officer executing the warrant issued under § 21-12-403 may...
§ 21-12-406. Failure to execute warrant — Recovery - If an officer receives a warrant issued under § 21-12-403...
§ 21-12-407. Remedy of person aggrieved by warrant - (a) Any person aggrieved by a warrant issued under §...
Subchapter 5 - Privatization of State Employee Functions
§ 21-12-501. Intent - It is the intent of this subchapter to require state...
§ 21-12-502. State agencies required to report privatization of a function - (a) (1) Any state agency, institution, board, or commission which...
§ 21-12-503. Eliminated positions to be removed from budget - The Office of Personnel Management and the Bureau of Legislative...
§ 21-12-504. State agencies required to report impending layoffs of state employees - (a) Any state agency, board, or commission that announces a...