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Subchapter 1 - General Provisions
§ 14-55-101. Authority to enact - Municipal corporations shall have the power to make and publish...
§ 14-55-102. Purposes generally - Municipal corporations shall have power to make and publish bylaws...
§ 14-55-103. Duty to enact - It is the duty of municipal corporations to publish such...
Subchapter 2 - Procedures for Adoption
§ 14-55-201. Only one subject - No bylaw or ordinance shall contain more than one (1)...
§ 14-55-202. Reading requirement - (a) All bylaws and ordinances of a general or permanent...
§ 14-55-203. Voting requirements for passage — Effective dates - (a) On the passage of every bylaw, ordinance, resolution, or...
§ 14-55-204. Approval of appropriations - All bylaws, ordinances, resolutions, or orders for the appropriation of...
§ 14-55-205. Recording and authentication - All bylaws or ordinances after their passage shall be recorded...
§ 14-55-206. Publishing or posting requirements - (a) (1) (A) All bylaws or ordinances of a general...
§ 14-55-207. Adoption of technical codes by reference - (a) Every municipality in the State of Arkansas is authorized...
Subchapter 3 - Referral to Electors
§ 14-55-301. Proposed or adopted ordinances - (a) The city council or governing body of any municipality,...
§ 14-55-302. Enacted ordinances - Any ordinance enacted by the governing body of any city...
§ 14-55-303. Form of ordinance ballot question - (a) (1) Except as provided in subdivision (a)(2) of this...
§ 14-55-304. Municipal referendum petition - Except for a municipal referendum petition concerning a municipal bond,...
Subchapter 4 - Effect of Passage
§ 14-55-401. Existing ordinances continue in force - All laws, ordinances, resolutions, or orders, lawfully passed and adopted...
§ 14-55-402. Admissibility of copies in evidence - (a) The printed copies of the bylaws and ordinances of...
Subchapter 5 - Prescribing of Penalties
§ 14-55-501. Authority generally - The town or city council in all cities or incorporated...
§ 14-55-502. State law to be followed - (a) The town or city council in all cities or...
§ 14-55-503. Effect of conviction - Upon conviction of any person under an ordinance before any...
§ 14-55-504. Maximum penalties permitted - (a) (1) A municipal corporation shall not impose a fine...
Subchapter 6 - Enforcement and Remedies
§ 14-55-601. Power to enforce generally - (a) Bylaws and ordinances of municipal corporations may be enforced...
§ 14-55-602. Imprisonment to enforce fine - (a) (1) The city council shall have power to provide...
§ 14-55-603. Outside work for jailed persons - Prisoners confined in the county jail or city prison, by...
§ 14-55-604. Working out of fines - The city council may, at its discretion, provide, by ordinance,...
§ 14-55-605. Suit for recovery of fines, etc - (a) Fines, penalties, and forfeitures, in all cases and in...
§ 14-55-606. Additional remedies of cities of the first class - (a) (1) In all cases of violation of any of...
§ 14-55-607. Additional remedies of cities of the second class - In all cases of violation of any of its ordinances,...
Subchapter 7 - Codification of Ordinances
§ 14-55-701. Authority to codify - (a) A municipality may codify its ordinances, or any part...
§ 14-55-702. Copies of municipal code filed - Upon the adoption of any municipal code, three (3) copies...
§ 14-55-703. Code prima facie evidence - In determining the content of any ordinance so codified, it...
§ 14-55-704. Amendment of municipal code authorized - (a) A municipal code may be amended from time to...