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Subchapter 2 - Filing and Recording Requirements
§ 14-41-201. Plats of new additions to be filed and recorded — Penalty - (a) Any person or corporation owning any real estate who...
§ 14-41-202. Certification of matters — Penalty - (a) It shall be the duty of the clerk of...
§ 14-41-203. Entry on tax books required — Penalty - (a) It shall be the duty of the county clerk...
Subchapter 3 - Reduction to Acreage
§ 14-41-301. Applicability - This subchapter shall not apply to any part of an...
§ 14-41-302. Right generally - The owner of any addition or division to any city...
§ 14-41-303. Parties to petition - If at any time one (1) person owns, or two...
§ 14-41-304. Owners of parts - The owners of any part of an addition or division...
§ 14-41-305. Notice of petition - (a) Upon the filing of a petition, the county court...
§ 14-41-306. Hearing and order - (a) The county court shall hear the petition at the...
§ 14-41-307. Appeals - Any person aggrieved by an order under § 14-41-306 may...