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Section 1 - A. The legislature shall enact such laws as shall provide...
Section 2 - The general conduct and supervision of the public school system...
Section 3 - The state board of education shall be composed of the...
Section 4 - The state superintendent of public instruction shall be a member,...
Section 5 - The regents of the university, and the governing boards of...
Section 6 - The university and all other state educational institutions shall be...
Section 7 - No sectarian instruction shall be imparted in any school or...
Section 8 - A. A permanent state school fund for the use of...
Section 9 - The amount of this apportionment shall become a part of...
Section 10 - The revenue for the maintenance of the respective state educational...
Section 11 - A. On or before February 1 of each year, if...