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Article 1. State Medical Board.
Sec. 08.64.010. Creation and membership of State Medical Board. - The governor shall appoint a board of medical examiners, to...
Sec. 08.64.050. Oath of office. - Each member shall take an oath of office. The oath...
Sec. 08.64.060. Seal. - The board shall adopt a seal.
Sec. 08.64.070. Officers. - The board shall elect a president and secretary from among...
Sec. 08.64.075. Designees. - If this chapter authorizes a designee to perform a duty,...
Sec. 08.64.085. Meetings of the board. - The board shall meet at least four times a year.
Sec. 08.64.090. Quorum. - Five members of the board constitute a quorum for the...
Sec. 08.64.100. Power of board to adopt regulations. - The board may adopt regulations necessary to carry into effect...
Sec. 08.64.101. Duties. - (a) The board shall (1) except as provided in regulations...
Sec. 08.64.103. Investigator; executive secretary. - (a) After consulting with the board, the department shall employ...
Sec. 08.64.105. Regulation of abortion procedures. - The board shall adopt regulations necessary to carry into effect...
Sec. 08.64.106. Delegation of routine medical duties. - The board shall adopt regulations authorizing a physician, podiatrist, osteopath,...
Sec. 08.64.107. Regulation of physician assistants. - The board shall adopt regulations regarding the licensure of physician...
Sec. 08.64.110. Per diem and expenses. - The members of the board are entitled to per diem...
Sec. 08.64.130. Board records. - (a) The board shall preserve a record of its proceedings,...
Sec. 08.64.160. Applicability of Administrative Procedure Act. - The board shall comply with AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act).
Article 2. Licensing.
Sec. 08.64.170. License to practice medicine, podiatry, or osteopathy. - (a) A person may not practice medicine, podiatry, or osteopathy...
Sec. 08.64.180. Application for license. - A person who desires to practice medicine or osteopathy in...
Sec. 08.64.190. Contents of application. - The application must state the name, age, residence, the time...
Sec. 08.64.200. Qualifications of physician applicants. - (a) Except for foreign medical graduates as specified in AS...
Sec. 08.64.205. Qualifications for osteopath applicants. - Each osteopath applicant shall meet the qualifications prescribed in AS...
Sec. 08.64.209. Qualifications for podiatry applicants. - (a) Each applicant who desires to practice podiatry shall meet...
Sec. 08.64.210. Examination required. - (a) An applicant shall take examinations in subjects the board...
Sec. 08.64.220. Contents of examination and grading. - (a) The board shall offer a written examination sufficient to...
Sec. 08.64.225. Foreign medical graduates. - (a) Applicants who are graduates of medical colleges not accredited...
Sec. 08.64.230. License granted. - (a) If a physician applicant passes the examination and meets...
Sec. 08.64.240. License refused. - (a) The board may not grant a license if (1)...
Sec. 08.64.250. License by credentials. - (a) The board may waive the examination requirement and license...
Sec. 08.64.255. Interviews. - An applicant for licensure may be interviewed in person by...
Sec. 08.64.260. Reexamination. - (a) If the applicant fails the examination, the applicant may,...
Sec. 08.64.270. Temporary permits. - (a) The board, a member of the board, the executive...
Sec. 08.64.272. Residency and internship permits. - (a) A person may not serve as a resident or...
Sec. 08.64.275. Temporary permit for locum tenens practice. - (a) A member of the board, its executive secretary, or...
Sec. 08.64.276. Retired status license. - (a) On retiring from practice and payment of an appropriate...
Sec. 08.64.279. Interview for permits. - An applicant for an intern permit, a resident permit, or...
Sec. 08.64.312. Continuing education requirements. - (a) The board shall promote a high degree of competence...
Sec. 08.64.313. Inactive license. - A licensee who does not practice in the state may...
Sec. 08.64.315. Fees. - The department shall set fees under AS 08.01.065 for each...
Sec. 08.64.326. Grounds for imposition of disciplinary sanctions. - (a) The board may impose a sanction if the board...
Sec. 08.64.331. Disciplinary sanctions. - (a) If the board finds that a licensee has committed...
Sec. 08.64.332. Automatic suspension for mental incompetency or insanity. - Notwithstanding AS 44.62, if a person holding a license to...
Sec. 08.64.333. Disciplinary sanctions: physician licensed in another state. - (a) The board may sanction a physician licensed in another...
Sec. 08.64.334. Voluntary surrender. - The board, at its discretion, may accept the voluntary surrender...
Sec. 08.64.335. Reports of disciplinary action or license suspension or surrender. - The board shall promptly report to the Federation of State...
Sec. 08.64.336. Duty of physicians and hospitals to report. - (a) A physician who professionally treats a person licensed to...
Sec. 08.64.338. Medical and psychiatric exams. - For the purposes of an investigation under this chapter, the...
Sec. 08.64.340. Statement of grounds of refusal or revocation of license. - If the board refuses to issue a license or revokes...
Sec. 08.64.345. Reports relating to malpractice actions and claims. - A person licensed under this chapter shall report in writing...
Sec. 08.64.360. Penalty for practicing without a license or in violation of law. - Except for a physician assistant or a person licensed or...
Sec. 08.64.362. Limitation of liability. - An action may not be brought against a person for...
Sec. 08.64.363. Maximum dosage for opioid prescriptions. - (a) A licensee may not issue (1) an initial prescription...
Article 3. Miscellaneous Provisions.
Sec. 08.64.364. Prescription of drugs without physical examination. - (a) The board may not impose disciplinary sanctions on a...
Sec. 08.64.367. Use of amygdalin (laetrile); investigational drugs, biological products, or devices. - (a) A physician may not be subject to disciplinary action...
Sec. 08.64.369. Health care professionals to report certain injuries. - (a) A health care professional who initially treats or attends...
Article 4. General Provisions.
Sec. 08.64.370. Exceptions to application of chapter. - This chapter does not apply to (1) officers in the...
Sec. 08.64.380. Definitions. - In this chapter, (1) “board” means the State Medical Board;...