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Sec. 08.52.010. Power to adopt regulations. - The Department of Labor and Workforce Development may issue orders...
Sec. 08.52.020. Certificate of fitness required. - In connection with an excavation, tunnel, quarry, earth removal, or...
Sec. 08.52.030. Application for and issuance of certificate. - The department shall issue certificates of fitness. A certificate may...
Sec. 08.52.035. Criminal justice information and records. - (a) An applicant for the issuance or renewal of a...
Sec. 08.52.040. Issuance and contents of certificate. - (a) If, upon investigation and examination by the department, the...
Sec. 08.52.050. Fee. - An applicant for a certificate of fitness shall pay a...
Sec. 08.52.060. Duration of certificate. - A certificate of fitness is effective for three years from...
Sec. 08.52.070. Persons exempt. - Persons employed in mining operations as defined in AS 27.20.061...
Sec. 08.52.080. Violations and penalties. - An employer who violates a provision of this chapter or...
Sec. 08.52.100. Definition. - In this chapter, “department” means the Department of Labor and...