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Sec. 08.38.010. License required. - (a) An individual may not, unless licensed as a dietitian...
Sec. 08.38.020. Dietitian licensure. - The department shall issue a dietitian license to an individual...
Sec. 08.38.030. Nutritionist licensure. - The department shall issue a nutritionist license to an individual...
Sec. 08.38.040. Grounds for suspension, revocation, or refusal to issue a license. - The department may refuse to issue a license or impose...
Sec. 08.38.050. Licensure by credentials. - The department may issue a license to an applicant who...
Sec. 08.38.080. Exemption. - The requirements of this chapter do not apply to (1)...
Sec. 08.38.090. Regulations. - The department may adopt regulations under AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure...
Sec. 08.38.100. Definitions. - In this chapter, (1) “accredited college or university” means a...