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Sec. 47.17.010. Purpose. - To protect children whose health and well-being may be adversely...
Sec. 47.17.020. Persons required to report. - (a) The following persons who, in the performance of their...
Sec. 47.17.022. Training. - (a) A person employed by the state or by a...
Sec. 47.17.023. Reports from certain persons regarding child pornography. - A person providing, either privately or commercially, film, photo, or...
Sec. 47.17.024. Duties of practitioners of the healing arts. - (a) A practitioner of the healing arts involved in the...
Sec. 47.17.025. Duties of public authorities. - (a) A law enforcement agency shall immediately notify the department...
Sec. 47.17.027. Duties of school officials. - (a) If the department or a law enforcement agency provides...
Sec. 47.17.030. Action on reports of harm; disclosure. - (a) If a child, concerning whom a report of harm...
Sec. 47.17.033. Investigations and interviews. - (a) In investigating child abuse and neglect reports under this...
Sec. 47.17.035. Duties of department in domestic violence cases. - (a) In consultation with the Council on Domestic Violence and...
Sec. 47.17.040. Child protection registry; confidentiality. - (a) The department shall maintain a child protection registry of...
Sec. 47.17.050. Immunity. - (a) Except as provided in (b) of this section, a...
Sec. 47.17.060. Evidence not privileged. - Neither the physician-patient nor the husband-wife privilege is a ground...
Sec. 47.17.064. Photographs and x-rays. - (a) The department or a practitioner of the healing arts...
Sec. 47.17.068. Penalty for failure to report. - A person who fails to comply with the provisions of...
Sec. 47.17.069. Protective injunctions. - (a) A court may enjoin or limit a person from...
Sec. 47.17.290. Definitions. - In this chapter, (1) “athletic coach” means (A) a paid...