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Article 1. Juvenile Delinquency.
Sec. 47.12.010. Goal and purposes of chapter. - (a) The goal of this chapter is to promote a...
Sec. 47.12.020. Jurisdiction. - (a) Proceedings relating to a minor under 18 years of...
Sec. 47.12.022. Applicability; inclusion of certain persons as minors. - Except as provided in AS 47.12.025, the provisions of this...
Sec. 47.12.025. Special provisions for certain persons considered to be minors. - (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the following special...
Sec. 47.12.030. Provisions inapplicable. - (a) When a minor who was at least 16 years...
Sec. 47.12.040. Investigation and petition. - (a) Whenever circumstances subject a minor to the jurisdiction of...
Sec. 47.12.050. Notice to and involvement of parent or guardian. - (a) Except as may be otherwise specifically provided, in all...
Sec. 47.12.060. Informal action to adjust matter. - (a) The provisions of this section apply to a minor...
Sec. 47.12.065. Dual sentencing provisions. - (a) The department or the entity selected by it may...
Sec. 47.12.070. Summons and custody of minor. - After a petition is filed and after further investigation that...
Sec. 47.12.080. Release of minor. - A minor who is taken into custody may, in the...
Sec. 47.12.090. Appointment of attorney or guardian ad litem. - (a) In all proceedings initiated under a petition for delinquency,...
Sec. 47.12.100. Waiver of jurisdiction. - (a) If the court finds at a hearing on a...
Sec. 47.12.105. Detention of minors waived into adult court. - (a) Except as provided in AS 47.12.240, the department, by...
Sec. 47.12.110. Hearings. - (a) The court shall conduct a hearing on the petition....
Sec. 47.12.120. Judgments and orders. - (a) The court, at the conclusion of the hearing, or...
Sec. 47.12.130. Predisposition hearing reports. - (a) Before the disposition hearing of a delinquent minor, the...
Sec. 47.12.140. Court dispositional order. - In making its dispositional order under AS 47.12.120(b)(1) - (3)...
Sec. 47.12.150. Legal custody, guardianship, and residual parental rights and responsibilities. - (a) When a minor is committed to the department under...
Sec. 47.12.155. Parental or guardian accountability and participation. - (a) The parent or guardian of a minor who is...
Sec. 47.12.160. Retention of jurisdiction over minor. - (a) Except as provided in (g) of this section, the...
Sec. 47.12.170. Enforcement of restitution. - (a) An order by the court under AS 47.12.120 that...
Sec. 47.12.180. Effect of adjudication. - (a) Except as provided by AS 47.12.160(d) and (e) and...
Sec. 47.12.200. Arrest of a minor. - The arrest of a minor other than for a traffic...
Sec. 47.12.210. Fingerprinting of minors. - (a) A peace officer may fingerprint a minor under the...
Sec. 47.12.220. Appointment of guardian or custodian. - When, in the course of a proceeding under this chapter,...
Sec. 47.12.230. Support of minor. - (a) When a delinquent minor is committed under this chapter,...
Sec. 47.12.240. Detention of minors. - (a) When the court commits a minor to the custody...
Sec. 47.12.245. Arrest. - (a) A peace officer may (1) arrest a minor (A)...
Sec. 47.12.250. Temporary detention and detention hearing. - (a) A peace officer or a juvenile probation officer who...
Sec. 47.12.255. Placement in secure residential psychiatric treatment centers. - (a) The court may authorize the department to place a...
Sec. 47.12.260. Releasing minors after commitment. - A minor found to be a juvenile delinquent who by...
Sec. 47.12.270. Juvenile probation officers. - (a) The department shall employ juvenile probation officers. A juvenile...
Article 2. Information And Records.
Sec. 47.12.300. Court records. - (a) The court shall make and keep records of all...
Sec. 47.12.310. Agency records. - (a) Except as specified in AS 47.12.315, 47.12.320, and (b)...
Sec. 47.12.315. Public disclosure of information in department records relating to certain minors. - (a) Notwithstanding AS 47.12.310 and except as otherwise provided in...
Sec. 47.12.320. Disclosure of information to public officials. - (a) Notwithstanding AS 47.12.300 and 47.12.310, (1) a parent or...
Article 3. Youth Courts.
Sec. 47.12.400. Youth courts. - (a) The department may use youth courts to hear, determine,...
Sec. 47.12.410. Funding for youth courts. - The legislature may appropriate 25 percent of the fines imposed...
Article 4. Community Dispute Resolution Centers.
Sec. 47.12.450. Community dispute resolution centers for matters involving minors. - (a) An entity organized for the purpose of providing community...
Article 5. General Provisions.
Sec. 47.12.980. Grants-in-aid. - The department may accept grants-in-aid from the federal government or...
Sec. 47.12.988. Implementation of provisions by an entity selected by department. - In this chapter, when authority exercised by the department may...
Sec. 47.12.990. Definitions. - In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, (1) “commissioner”...