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Sec. 47.07.010. Purpose. - It is declared by the legislature as a matter of...
Sec. 47.07.020. Eligible persons. - (a) All residents of the state for whom the Social...
Sec. 47.07.025. Assignment of medical support rights. - (a) An applicant for or recipient of assistance under this...
Sec. 47.07.030. Medical services to be provided. - (a) The department shall offer all mandatory services required under...
Sec. 47.07.032. Inpatient psychiatric services for persons under 21 years of age. - (a) Notwithstanding AS 47.07.030, the department may not grant assistance...
Sec. 47.07.036. Cost containment measures authorized. - (a) If the department finds that the costs of medical...
Sec. 47.07.039. Coordinated care demonstration projects. - (a) The department shall contract with one or more third...
Sec. 47.07.040. State plan for provision of medical assistance. - The department shall prepare a state plan in accordance with...
Sec. 47.07.042. Recipient cost-sharing. - (a) Except as provided in (b) - (d) of this...
Sec. 47.07.045. Home and community-based services. - (a) The department may provide home and community-based services under...
Sec. 47.07.046. Traumatic or acquired brain injury services. - (a) The department shall provide traumatic or acquired brain injury...
Sec. 47.07.050. Implementation of the medical assistance program. - The department shall take the steps necessary to adopt those...
Sec. 47.07.055. Recovery of medical assistance from estates. - (a) The estate of an individual who received medical assistance...
Sec. 47.07.060. Receipt of federal money. - The Department of Administration shall accept and receive all grants...
Sec. 47.07.063. Payment for certain services furnished or paid for by a school district. - (a) The department may pay medical assistance under this chapter...
Sec. 47.07.065. Payment for prescribed drugs. - (a) The department shall pay for prescribed drugs under AS...
Sec. 47.07.067. Payment for adult dental services. - (a) Subject to appropriation, the department shall pay for minimum...
Sec. 47.07.068. Payment for abortions. - (a) The department may not pay for abortion services under...
Sec. 47.07.069. Payment for telehealth. - (a) [See conditional amendment note.] The department shall pay for...
Sec. 47.07.070. Payment rates for health facilities. - (a) The department shall, by regulation, set rates of payment...
Sec. 47.07.071. Reports by health facilities. - After the end of each fiscal year of a health...
Sec. 47.07.073. Uniform accounting, budgeting, and reporting. - (a) The department by regulation shall require a uniform system...
Sec. 47.07.074. Audits and inspections. - (a) As a condition of obtaining payment under AS 47.07.070,...
Sec. 47.07.075. Administrative procedure. - (a) Actions of the department regarding health facility payment rates...
Sec. 47.07.076. Reports to legislature. - (a) The department and the attorney general shall annually prepare...
Sec. 47.07.085. Supplemental reimbursement for emergency medical transportation services. - (a) The department shall develop a program to provide supplemental...
Sec. 47.07.900. Definitions. - In this chapter, (1) [Repealed, ยง 4 ch 52 SLA...