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Sec. 46.06.010. Powers of the department. - The department shall (1) serve as the coordinating agency among...
Sec. 46.06.021. Solid and hazardous waste management practices. - In order to minimize present and future threats to human...
Sec. 46.06.031. Solid and hazardous waste reduction and recycling program. - (a) There is established within the department a solid and...
Sec. 46.06.041. Community solid waste management planning grants. - (a) A community solid waste management planning grant account is...
Sec. 46.06.050. Litter receptacles and anti-litter symbol. - (a) The department shall designate one or more types and...
Sec. 46.06.060. Litter bags. - The department may design and have produced a litter bag...
Sec. 46.06.070. Litter patrol. - (a) The department may establish a youth litter patrol program...
Sec. 46.06.080. Littering prohibited. - (a) A person may not throw, drop, deposit, discard, or...
Sec. 46.06.090. Prohibited beverage containers; packaging requirements. - (a) A person may not sell or offer to sell...
Sec. 46.06.095. Coding required. - (a) A person may not manufacture, sell, or offer to...
Sec. 46.06.100. Notice to public. - The penalties imposed for littering shall be posted along the...
Sec. 46.06.110. Enforcement authority. - (a) The following persons are authorized to enforce the provisions...
Sec. 46.06.120. Grants. - The department may make grants to state agencies, to municipalities,...
Sec. 46.06.130. Conditions for grants. - (a) The department shall adopt regulations under AS 44.62 (Administrative...
Sec. 46.06.140. Federal requirements. - If a federal department or agency issues a formal ruling...
Sec. 46.06.150. Definitions. - In this chapter, (1) “beverage container” means the individual, separate,...