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Article 1. Organization.
Sec. 44.30.010. Commissioner of family and community services. - The principal executive officer of the Department of Family and...
Sec. 44.30.020. Duties of department. - (a) The Department of Family and Community Services shall administer...
Sec. 44.30.030. Fees for department services. - (a) The commissioner of family and community services may establish...
Sec. 44.30.040. Fees for services of contractors or grantees. - (a) The commissioner of family and community services may establish...
Article 2. Alaska Pioneers' Homes Advisory Board.
Sec. 44.30.100. Alaska Pioneers' Homes Advisory Board. - There is created the Alaska Pioneers' Homes Advisory Board in...
Sec. 44.30.110. Purpose of the board. - The board shall conduct annual inspections of the property and...
Sec. 44.30.120. Composition of the board. - (a) The Alaska Pioneers' Homes Advisory Board consists of (1)...
Sec. 44.30.130. Compensation, per diem, or expenses. - Members of the board receive no salary, but are entitled...