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Sec. 44.09.010. State seal. - The official seal of the State of Alaska is comprised...
Sec. 44.09.015. Use of seal without permission prohibited. - (a) A person may not use or make a die...
Sec. 44.09.017. Commemorative gold and silver medallions. - (a) The Department of Administration shall contract or otherwise arrange...
Sec. 44.09.020. State flag. - The design of the official flag is eight gold stars...
Sec. 44.09.030. Display of flags. - (a) The official flag of the state shall be displayed...
Sec. 44.09.032. Folding and presenting the state flag. - (a) When folding the state flag, the following procedure shall...
Sec. 44.09.034. Retirement of the state flag. - An official flag of the state that is no longer...
Sec. 44.09.040. State song. - The song “Alaska's Flag,” with music composed by Elinor Dusenbury...
Sec. 44.09.045. State motto. - The official motto of the State of Alaska is: North...
Sec. 44.09.050. State flower. - The wild native forget-me-not is the state flower and floral...
Sec. 44.09.060. State bird. - The Alaska Willow Ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus alascensis Swarth) is the...
Sec. 44.09.070. State tree. - The Sitka spruce (picea sitchensis), which is recognized as the...
Sec. 44.09.075. State marine mammal. - The bowhead whale is the state marine mammal.
Sec. 44.09.078. State land mammal. - The moose (Alces alces) is the state land mammal.
Sec. 44.09.080. State fish. - The king salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) is the official fish of...
Sec. 44.09.085. State sport. - Dog mushing is the official sport of Alaska.
Sec. 44.09.090. State medal for heroism. - (a) The governor is authorized to award a state medal...
Sec. 44.09.095. North Star Medal. - (a) The governor is authorized to award the North Star...
Sec. 44.09.100. State gem. - Jade is the official state gem.
Sec. 44.09.110. State mineral. - Gold is the official state mineral.
Sec. 44.09.120. State fossil. - The woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) is the official state fossil.
Sec. 44.09.130. State insect. - The four spot skimmer dragonfly is the official state insect.
Sec. 44.09.140. State dog. - The Alaskan Malamute is the official state dog.
Sec. 44.09.150. State bolt-action rifle. - The pre-1964 Winchester Model 70 bolt-action rifle in the following...