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Sec. 43.80.050. Reporting of wholesale salmon prices. - (a) A fish processor engaged in the business of selling...
Sec. 43.80.055. Wholesale price averages; Alaska salmon price report. - (a) Based on the information provided in reports submitted under...
Sec. 43.80.060. Report to the legislature. - Not later than March 15 of each year, the department...
Sec. 43.80.065. Confidentiality of reports. - Information in reports submitted under AS 43.80.050, and price averages...
Sec. 43.80.095. Penalty. - The department may levy and collect a civil penalty of...
Sec. 43.80.100. Definitions. - In AS 43.80.050 - 43.80.100, (1) “affiliate of the processor”...