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Article 1. Protection of Forested Land.
Sec. 41.15.010. Intent. - It is the intent of AS 41.15.010 - 41.15.170 to...
Sec. 41.15.020. Regulations. - The commissioner shall, by regulation, make provision for the protection...
Sec. 41.15.025. Fire protection on mental health trust land. - Land that is in the mental health trust is, for...
Sec. 41.15.030. Contracts for forest protection; emergency firefighters. - (a) The commissioner may enter into necessary protection contracts. (b)...
Sec. 41.15.040. Right of entry to control and suppress fires. - (a) Upon approval by the commissioner or an authorized agent,...
Sec. 41.15.045. Civil immunity. - (a) Notwithstanding other provisions of law, a person may not...
Sec. 41.15.050. Fire season. - The period from April 1 to August 31, inclusive, of...
Sec. 41.15.060. Permits. - (a) The commissioner shall, by regulation, prescribe the conditions of...
Sec. 41.15.070. Disposal of burning materials. - During the fire season, a burn closure, or restriction established...
Sec. 41.15.090. Building or leaving fires. - (a) A person may not start a fire in or...
Sec. 41.15.100. Setting fires without consent. - A person may not set on fire forested land or...
Sec. 41.15.110. Uncontrolled spread of fire; leaving fire unattended. - (a) A person who knows of a fire or sets...
Sec. 41.15.120. Requirement to assist in preventing or suppressing fires. - If an officer or employee of the United States or...
Sec. 41.15.130. Backfires and burnouts excluded. - AS 41.15.010 - 41.15.040 and 41.15.050 - 41.15.170 do not...
Sec. 41.15.140. Penalty. - Except as provided in AS 41.15.150, a person who (1)...
Sec. 41.15.150. Criminal burning of forested land in the first degree. - (a) A person commits the crime of criminal burning of...
Sec. 41.15.155. Criminal burning of forested land in the second degree. - (a) A person commits the crime of criminal burning of...
Sec. 41.15.160. Double damages in civil actions. - In addition to the criminal punishment provided for by AS...
Sec. 41.15.170. Definitions. - In AS 41.15.010 - 41.15.170, (1) “criminal negligence” has the...
Article 2. Forest Reserve Fund.
Sec. 41.15.180. National forest income. - (a) When the commissioner of commerce, community, and economic development...
Article 3. Fire Suppression Fund.
Sec. 41.15.200. Statement of purpose. - The purpose of AS 41.15.200 - 41.15.230 is to provide...
Sec. 41.15.210. Fire suppression fund. - A fire suppression fund is established in the state treasury...
Sec. 41.15.220. Composition of fund. - The legislature may appropriate from the following sources to the...
Sec. 41.15.230. Disbursement. - Upon authorization of the governor, disbursements from the fire suppression...
Sec. 41.15.240. Records of fire suppression fund. - The department shall maintain accounting records showing the income and...
Article 4. Haines State Forest Resource Management Area.
Sec. 41.15.300. Haines State Forest Resource Management Area. - (a) The purpose of AS 41.15.300 - 41.15.330 is to...
Sec. 41.15.305. Establishment and boundaries. - (a) Subject to valid existing rights, the land and water...
Sec. 41.15.310. Coordinated management. - (a) The division of forestry and fire protection shall consult...
Sec. 41.15.315. Multiple-use management. - (a) The Haines State Forest Resource Management Area shall be...
Sec. 41.15.320. Management plan and regulations. - In adopting a forest management plan for the Haines State...
Sec. 41.15.325. Cooperative management agreements. - The department may enter into cooperative management agreements with a...
Sec. 41.15.330. Existing rights. - The establishment of the Haines State Forest Resource Management Area...
Article 5. Miscellaneous Provisions.
Sec. 41.15.900. Observance of Arbor Day. - To increase public awareness of the vital importance of the...
Article 6. General Provisions.
Sec. 41.15.950. Enforcement authority. - (a) The following persons are peace officers of the state...
Sec. 41.15.960. Bail schedules. - The supreme court shall establish by rule or order a...