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Sec. 39.05.020. Appointment of department heads. - The governor shall appoint the head of each principal executive...
Sec. 39.05.030. Service at governor's pleasure. - Each principal executive officer serves at the pleasure of the...
Sec. 39.05.035. Commission of office. - After each appointment of a state officer, the governor shall...
Sec. 39.05.040. Oaths for executive officers, boards. - The principal executive officer of each department and the member...
Sec. 39.05.045. Oaths for other employees. - A public officer or employee of the state, before entering...
Sec. 39.05.050. Surety bonds. - The principal executive officer of each department and subordinate officials...
Sec. 39.05.053. Terms of office. - The term of office of a position or membership ends...
Sec. 39.05.055. Staggered initial terms. - The terms of the initially appointed members of a board,...
Sec. 39.05.060. Appointment, qualifications, and terms of office of members of departmental boards, councils, or commissions. - (a) Each member of the following shall be a citizen...
Sec. 39.05.065. Qualifications of members of the Board of Education and Early Development. - (a) Each member of the Board of Education and Early...
Sec. 39.05.070. Purpose of AS 39.05.070 - 39.05.200. - It is the purpose of AS 39.05.070 - 39.05.200 to...
Sec. 39.05.080. Procedure for all appointments. - Except as otherwise provided in a law relating to the...
Sec. 39.05.090. Time limits in AS 39.05.080. - The time limitations concerning the submission and resubmission of names...
Sec. 39.05.100. Qualifications for appointment. - (a) A person appointed to a board or commission of...
Sec. 39.05.200. Definitions. - In this chapter, (1) “confirmation” means confirmation or approval by...