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Sec. 44.29.300. Council established. - (a) There is established in the Department of Health the...
Sec. 44.29.310. Term of office. - (a) The governor shall appoint the members of the council...
Sec. 44.29.320. Compensation, per diem, and expenses. - The members of the council who are not state employees...
Sec. 44.29.330. Officers and staff. - (a) The council, by a majority of its voting membership,...
Sec. 44.29.340. Meetings; quorum. - (a) The council may meet and vote, by teleconference or...
Sec. 44.29.350. Duties. - The council shall serve in an advisory capacity to the...
Sec. 44.29.360. Annual report. - The council shall annually report its findings and recommendations in...
Sec. 44.29.390. Definition. - In AS 44.29.300 - 44.29.390, “council” means the Statewide Suicide...