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Sec. 10.50.110. Management generally. - (a) Except as otherwise provided in the company's articles of...
Sec. 10.50.115. Appointment, removal, and replacement of managers. - Except as otherwise provided in an operating agreement of a...
Sec. 10.50.120. Eligibility and number of managers. - Unless otherwise provided in an operating agreement of the company,...
Sec. 10.50.125. Tenure of manager. - (a) Unless otherwise provided in an operating agreement of the...
Sec. 10.50.130. Limitation of member fiduciary duty. - Unless otherwise provided in an operating agreement of the company,...
Sec. 10.50.135. Duty of care. - (a) A person who is a manager or a managing...
Sec. 10.50.140. Conflicts of interest. - (a) A contract or other transaction between a limited liability...
Sec. 10.50.145. Loans to managers, managing members, and employees. - (a) A loan may not be extended by a limited...
Sec. 10.50.148. Indemnification of managers, managing members, employees, and agents; insurance. - (a) A limited liability company may indemnify a person who...
Sec. 10.50.150. Authorization of company affairs. - (a) Unless otherwise provided in an operating agreement of the...