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Sec. 44.19.641. Creation of commission. - The Alaska Criminal Justice Data Analysis Commission is established in...
Sec. 44.19.642. Membership; staff. - (a) The commission consists of 16 members, appointed or designated...
Sec. 44.19.643. Compensation. - Members of the commission serve without compensation but are entitled...
Sec. 44.19.644. Meetings. - A majority of the members constitutes a quorum for conducting...
Sec. 44.19.645. Powers and duties of the commission. - (a) The commission shall (1) contract for data analysis, research,...
Sec. 44.19.646. Methodology. - In conducting research, the commission shall (1) solicit and consider...
Sec. 44.19.647. Annual report and recommendations. - (a) The commission shall submit to the governor and the...
Sec. 44.19.649. Definitions. - In AS 44.19.641 - 44.19.649, (1) “commission” means the Alaska...