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Sec. 34.45.280. Report of abandoned personal property. - (a) A person holding personal property, tangible or intangible, presumed...
Sec. 34.45.290. Requests for reports and examination of records. - (a) The department may require a person who has not...
Sec. 34.45.300. Retention of records. - (a) Except as otherwise provided in (b) of this section,...
Sec. 34.45.310. Notice and publication of lists of unclaimed property. - (a) The department shall notify apparent owners of unclaimed property...
Sec. 34.45.320. Payment or delivery of abandoned property. - (a) Except as otherwise provided in (b) of this section,...
Sec. 34.45.330. Custody by state. - (a) Upon the payment or delivery of property to the...
Sec. 34.45.340. Crediting of dividends, interest, or increments to owner's account. - Except as provided under AS 34.45.360(d) for appreciation of securities,...