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Sec. 36.30.290. Electronic bids and proposals. - An agency may allow bids or proposals to be submitted...
Sec. 36.30.300. Single source procurements. - (a) A contract may be awarded for supplies, services, professional...
Sec. 36.30.305. Limited competition procurements. - (a) A construction contract under $100,000, or a contract for...
Sec. 36.30.308. Innovative procurements. - (a) A contract may be awarded for supplies, services, professional...
Sec. 36.30.309. Preconstruction services; construction manager general contractor contract. - (a) The department may award by competitive sealed proposals a...
Sec. 36.30.310. Emergency procurements. - Procurements may be made under emergency conditions as defined in...
Sec. 36.30.311. Employment and youth program procurements. - A procurement of products manufactured or services provided by an...
Sec. 36.30.313. Procurements provided through employment of prison inmates. - A procurement of products or services provided through the employment...
Sec. 36.30.315. Determinations; false statements; criminal penalty. - (a) In a determination made by a state official under...
Sec. 36.30.320. Small procurements. - (a) A procurement for supplies, services, or professional services that...