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Sec. 16.05.440. Expiration date for licenses. - Licenses issued under AS 16.05.440 - 16.05.723 expire at the...
Sec. 16.05.450. Issuance of licenses; disclosure for child support purposes. - (a) The commissioner or an authorized agent shall issue a...
Sec. 16.05.460. Commissioner may appoint agents. - The commissioner may appoint qualified persons as agents to receive...
Sec. 16.05.470. Fee for issuance of licenses. - (a) A person appointed by the commissioner to sell licenses...
Sec. 16.05.475. Registration of fishing vessels. - (a) A person may not employ a fishing vessel in...
Sec. 16.05.480. Commercial fishing license; disclosure for child support purposes. - (a) A person engaged in commercial fishing shall obtain a...
Sec. 16.05.490. Vessel license. - (a) As a condition to delivery or landing of fish...
Sec. 16.05.495. Vessel license exemption. - A vessel used exclusively for the commercial capture of salmon...
Sec. 16.05.510. Unlicensed vessel unlawful. - A person may not operate a vessel to which AS...
Sec. 16.05.520. Number plate. - (a) The vessel license includes a permanent number plate. The...
Sec. 16.05.530. Renewal of vessel license. - (a) Upon payment of the vessel license fee and filing...
Sec. 16.05.632. Identification of shellfish pots or buoys, or both, used in the taking of king crab and requirements for buoys. - (a) Registration tags for the identification of shellfish pots or...
Sec. 16.05.660. License exemption. - A person may, by complying with the $5 license requirement...
Sec. 16.05.662. Fishing derbies. - (a) The commissioner may issue without cost a permit to...
Sec. 16.05.665. Falsification of application for license. - (a) A person who knowingly makes a false statement as...
Sec. 16.05.671. Transportation and sale of certain fish by an agent of the fisherman who caught the fish. - (a) A person may transport and sell commercially taken fish...
Sec. 16.05.675. Landing permits. - (a) A person who does not hold a limited entry...
Sec. 16.05.680. Unlawful practices. - (a) It is unlawful for a person, or an agent...
Sec. 16.05.685. Processing on commercial king crab fishing vessels. - (a) Crab of any species may not be processed on...
Sec. 16.05.690. Record of purchases. - (a) Each buyer of fish shall keep a record of...
Sec. 16.05.710. Suspension of commercial license and entry permit. - (a) Upon the conviction of a person for a misdemeanor...
Sec. 16.05.722. Strict liability commercial fishing penalties. - (a) A person who without any culpable mental state violates...
Sec. 16.05.723. Misdemeanor commercial fishing penalties. - (a) A person who negligently violates AS 16.05.440 - 16.05.690,...