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Sec. 13.06.060. Applicability. - Except as otherwise provided in AS 13.06 - AS 13.36,...
Sec. 13.06.065. Subject matter jurisdiction. - To the full extent permitted by the constitution, the court...
Sec. 13.06.068. Choice of law; validity. - (a) Subject to the other provisions of this section, the...
Sec. 13.06.070. Venue; multiple proceedings; transfer. - (a) Where a proceeding under AS 13.06 - AS 13.36...
Sec. 13.06.080. Records and certified copies. - The clerk of the court shall keep a record for...
Sec. 13.06.085. Jury trial. - (a) If duly demanded, a party is entitled to trial...
Sec. 13.06.090. Performance of registrar's powers. - The acts and orders that AS 13.06 - AS 13.36...
Sec. 13.06.100. Oath, affirmation, or statement included in filed documents. - Except as otherwise specifically provided in AS 13.06 - AS...